• Virginia Okinawan Karate DojoNeighbor

  • Kingstowne-Rose Hill, VA
  • Website

Avoid regretting being unable to protect yourself from violent attackers! Whether a woman or man this fun, easy-to-learn, proven effective, natural body movement self-defense works regardless of your size or strength.

The hardest part about adult karate training is walking through the door on the first day.

Members report karate training Improves:

- flexibility,

- self-control,

- mental and physical balance,

- stress issues,

- mental focus,

- your shape (so you can wear that bathing suit to the beach) and

- your fun quotient! (Who knew this could be so much fun!)

Karate is the pathway between self-defense and self-improvement.

You aren't getting any younger are you? If you don't try now, then when?

Call now 703-310-9596 or email: robertoshidokan@gmail.com


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Virginia Okinawan Karate Dojo currently has no active events